Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 8

Today, I watched a video on YouTube called Mr.Bean- Library. Mr.Bean always does silly things, and this time, he did something unbelievably stupid. First, he scribbled all over the book, then he tried to cover it up using white out. But then, he closed the book before the white out had dried, which caused it to print on to the next page. In the end, he ended up ruining the entire book (it was falling apart).

YouTube is a useful tool that the TPL can use for a variety of things. We can use it to promote programs like Toddler Time, and let people see what happens during these programs.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 7

Today, I subscribed for three podcasts: Youtube's most featured videos, Youtube's most viewed videos and Mysteries Abound. Afterward, I clicked on the title "Youtube's most viewed videos" and watched some of the popular music videos of today.

As of now, I find having an account on Bloglines to be quite useful.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Goggle Docs is a pretty useful tool that I would probably use in the future. I believe that it may become quite popular in the near future.